
Medical Board- you know my pillow, long one looking alike.

I need to raise up the entire left side, so I only have one pillow long. You know how they have the public information on the women's period or all kinds of the emergency saying raise up your body level?

I have that left side onyl the comferter to raise high my left side overal lean on, my head is turning more pressing this pain patches right at my hair, to pain relief inside my blood stream. Its painful.

So this pillow, its my left foot at the ending, or my knee higher, but that pillow goes under my butt, 2 butts, and it will rise up all the position, and because I lean more left side those comferter my left side heart is rise up, my head goes into the pillow.

I am fainting.

I get up to eat something, after I took the bath, warm up...my left side colon buttom corner before rectum? that corner its where I patch it straight down, but this ligament 筋- I have been patch its for 6 months? The birds they often say just the entire legs down. I think this is the straight down, I press it hurt, so this area, its the jointing junction line, if you pressing the muscle you will feel it.

I am the one feeling it, its at this junction down at the thigh.

Side by side. I used to have a mode?

1. At the corner down straight down.

2. Side by not to the line, its higher up, so at the line down, side by that one patch, patching at the corner left rectum before that area, so this one patch position is higher, right below the line.

Higher above the line, about 2 knuckle finger length higher

Side by side.

One more side by down, lower position. about 2 finger length knuckle. Its lower.


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