
My brother is at the age, doesn't care about whom that landlady those 2 old old old skin human or any other guys next by VERY old included. No money....he is the New Generation kid. Not compassionate talk in the religion. He uses Uber.

He and Tina all doing something of that through the iPhone. The fast pace of that lifestyle. Both Tina and Pang. I am telling you, a lot of people going online, on the interface, including the Taiwan Youtuber. When you return to your own country if were 2019, that built up relationship, I didn't talk to Adam Hailey until 2021? That is when their father found out? We didn't move in this MD 6+1 issues with them until 2022? 

He is more talkative, but I am telling you, he is one of those selfish human being Asia guys you all hate. He just happened to grow taller too. So at his generation age, there is nothing like you all imagine as my age, what you do with your life, including the guys. The money or the background where Pang got his friends, or they go on the vacation, or the salary, to the Russ Business School in Chicago, there is a reason how they buddy together. Their averagely are doing MUCH MUCH MUCH better.


You don't dare now? Once leaving that UB out of the US? And?  You are not in front of the China worse?

1. Chatting publicly speaking in their own native language to the Youtubers

2. Saying you are so and so in where? Frozen.

3. Saying you are the Lords, where is the money?

4. The Laws, the Medical, the Democracy idea? The civil class. Not the Taipei Mayor with another guy, same age??? We were the similar age bracket ABC? I am not the ABC, but they might be? The family more stablize? 

5. For sure never talking to their dad I guess. 

6. Not Youtube video to sing.

7. Not the Youtube video to demonstrate what is the keyword "Blood work" "Human anatomy and physiology" other than the New Age, but you hiding your MD year after year Twlight? How many things you willing to hide? Really? 

8. Not the Youtube video on public talk.

9. Not the youtube video on calculating the math in front of the American NASA now, you used to be not a thing inside the American land, anyway? 

10. You have no friends to mention in the UB, because you fear? They find me? Not training the girls or the guys. You wish to just? 

11. NEVER NEVER saying whom is the leadership in your own third country language statues on???? Speaking that language if you will? 

12. You trying to shine away, the leadership? Just like in the US.

13. You don't dare to....A to Z. You were not a thing in the US, you were not a thing in your own country, did you study there sometimes before UB, none of us know. You wishing to seeing more American, or the American military, if that Bill or Keegan just show up on the facebook, you wishing to comment Bill and Keegan, but not their husband? 

Movie: 17 Again?

or Home Again, by that Nancy Meyer's kid Hallie Meyer?

You wish? To have more American Youtuber from where? UB itself? Which UB itself? MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2, you feeling breathing even if that is a Mormom religion sector, some what, they abide to some law, wishing your own romance well? Its Hailey there? Its Anna there?

Its any Taiwan Youtuber there? 

It must be very very very lonely, I am sure you feeling so.

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