
My classmate they gonna go into the witness program, they will have something to do in there. Their parents will say, they are dying long time ago already probably....everything they vent, very negative inside the brain.

When I looking at a problem solving, I don't go and blame myself. Like the Better Man, you have any other ways doing it? So You starting the first video, second video...keep making that video you seeing which things are fit?

But most people are not action forward. Meaning they get negative the first thinking sitting there inside the classroom, becoming very negative. They wish that comic book has some merits to praising their glorious  moment, but so far, they finding none, and that reality are crashing down onto them, and the least person they right now wishing would be Kian, or this guy...whichever because Zawanna suppose to be those tarted clothing they know that is not true.

The backward....

So it hurts them its all the high tech means.

Let's say Amazing, everything I failed, I have to keep doing this every job I cannot make the money to sound like to be that inventive.....it is sad, but what can you do, just keep trying on a brand new things, because that is how I feeling? You happy to do things, or day dream.

Wake up morning and day dream? 

They all wishing each other very ill, including their parents. Wish you fall, wish you fail, wish you lose....nothing constructive, so they bang their head on the cabin, they fall inside, or outside walking, or almost falls, or hanging on the stair, or some accident, or something they don't dare to say, something are hitting them, they know they are being warned at.

They got scared, and the friends moving away, they moving away, no one around, no kids, they have no kids, just that one bf, wishing he leave not leaving, so now its at the leaving. They are white people only cared about the romance, so that future...as long as it settle, they feeling a brand new meeting place with people buddy together. They need those closure space, not really an independent spirit. They are not very positive in action forward their life.

Find out.


Initiating a project with yourself or with the participants.

Bossing others, give a outline

"Let's do this...we get it done in 10 days." They afraid bossing others, or no IQ to make things right. 

So...too many things I just directly given them the beginning and the end road, so, they wishing nothing like that but they aging to see like that. They blame on their parents, sibling, friends, facebook....that is a Mark too!!! uh~~ so many Mark.

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