
My jobs look like fake, One Medical Board and One NASA ....really. Never stop writing!

So what you imagine the guys their worlds, what they lack, their schedule, its one of those grocery paper cupboard, those hard made paper to carry the fruits and vegetable in the back door some small tiny grocery, we live far away? He found it.

Those kinds of the paper cupboard, hard made, you can assort several kinds of the plastic zip bags, looking like you have a business idea, how the guys open the trunk or the SUV for the family use?

The family usually use the van or the SUV, you know how to use a SUV? I used SUV. Not very often, but in the Silicon Valley, they give me that, I have to go to Milipas? The parking space cannot meet that inside Silicon Valley at all?

You have a lot a lot a lot of the working profession guys, their intake of the green to increase per weekly basis? The idea how they take it out and already washing well, 2 or 3 days supply, that is all they chew, they also becoming conscious about the weight?

Sometimes you see it convenience? You girls try on each other, best friends for each other?

Let's say you design a system. 

They take out a leafy + some really cook right white rice, they have mayo at home...the guys how lazy they ever be, the seed weed you buy for them small package too, just like the Costco Toilet paper, they pick up random things from you? 

The guys don't know they are so lazy, or I don't know how need to weight watch and lazy....you know how many day working amount that was to re-write their everything re-write? 

You have to wash the whole afternoon anyway....Its the same sink you dump how many veggie trying out a conversation sound right to the guys? You know how to talk to the guys, not to the judge? 

"You trying to carry a conversation with the Judge, not the legal arguable statement why you show up there?"

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