
My lawsuit gonna take loooooong standing in the court, you all might getting a quick results, you written like 600 lawsuits? That sounds redundant?

So you see if you pay off your financial statement, and when your stress off your shoulder that day on, you sleep for a week, or 2 weeks and doing nothing else just blank out your mind. By the end of the 2nd week, meaning on the third week, you start to remember again where you were, how you were before, you write something down....and you might take a whole month on one of those beach sea, you blank out and get inspired to write, and you start to noting down some stuffs cross your mind.

You compile when your mind are more relax, you seeing if things that time becoming less cluster than now, you are everywhere. A lot of the writers that is how they move into their projects.

Meaning you give yourself the brain storm time, THAT time, and at that time, from right now its March 15th, you don't overly plan anything, because you know you will be changing all that, after that 2 weeks and 1 month after that?

You want to write yourself a note right now? Just to see if I Anna knew everything like that about life?

The court might brings some people coming you seeing them, or? You imagine that or not? The Square her TV all of the China stream-on-demand? 

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