
NASA - on Gravity again and again

What in this world, sorry, on our world, sorry....not limited to Taiwan is an island, there is a continent across us the channel, first you see? Its the sea channel.

Explain to me about the gravity.



There is a difference between the things falling down and the things being toss out. So on your front peripheral, you imagine or you literally seeing a thing fallen down, is that the Newton's law how he did it in his time?

So when you throw a baseball to the right side of the peripheral, you define the 2 people, your dad and you were younger? Is that how you describe a situation that is fallen down, this is tossing to me?

Explain to me what you understand here the gravity, anything you can split the Earth in half, all of that.


The gravity like the movie, you just gonna tell me its the Space Station, and they are floating, it cannot possibly be gravity, and so you would tell me it is a gravity movie, or it is not about the gravity movie until she falls out of the Earth, or falling back with the guys laying on Top of her?

Explain details anything comes to your wondrous mind, really.


Is the singing audible to you like the gravity was never hidden.

Explain to me what do I just say here? Anything physics textbook you could cite this case for? What you define as the physics really?


Do you have any one incident or one physics experiment you remember from your college textbook, or the high school, one experiment you thought about, when it comes to the observation why or how things being formulated into an experiment? And here you gonna say the only thing you ever think of since Last months were nothing but Gravity? Its surely wins all heart by the population quote, or every paper I receive?

It makes one of us are very pure minded.....one direction all together, one experiment?


Can you describe to me the science behind...such as how you observe the nature to define, what is the physics or the idea in chemistry if this time you only learn about the physics, that one same thing never stop....what is the very beginning will make you pop the question on "how to observe " that reason for? Anything beside the gravity, in your mind in the physics?


How would I ever to be that reasonable, if you seeing the white cloud, the blue sky like Frozen Olaf sings, you saying these drifting the ephemeral idea of the nature, are from the creator of Himself.  Tell me its the Sunlight always the sunlight, or the cloud makes the shed in front of your eyes? So neither has anything with the gravity fallen, not the sunlight, not the clouds, are they the same thing to you?

How is that rain coming to your face, that is a real feeling, but the cloud you hope to hike the mountain, describe to me anything in science, the science words, how to describe just anything I told you here. In the science writing, in the science logic, in the science description when I reading your paper I knew exactly how you saying you reading your textbook from the beginning?

How you gonna write this to me? Its all open book, right?


When you deciding the factor how the rain, or the ice, or the hail coming down, you sure its tossing to you, or its dropping. Its the dropping and the falling is the same thing to the observer saying....the relativity? 

Any word?

Sorry, any word add-on it? I cannot read my own writing here. How to saying it?


You want a grant to make money, with a thing called wonderous mind to quest the nature, for earning its interests so that turn to money. Meaning you participating a scientific measurement in order to yield a result. Is that the correct way you understand how the science world today making the money through all this Ph.D going to the school, and after they acquire the Post-doc. You ever hear those words called the Post-doc, so they did get paid continuing wherever they bouncing around the "between their leisure time" and fellowship, or the scholarship, or the paper reading, or the formulate a thesis.....tell me, where are you right now, what do you need to do, and what do you see, and what mind boggling so far, anything that pleasing to your mind, or you are so overwhelm, you never thinking one degree ...."is that to begin the scientific process how to write a paper or how to conduct a brand new experiment, or repeat their experiment, so I will NEVER get hired...." - so what exactly you will have a clue what you suppose to be doing at all?

To experiment,

To the paper

To the social talking to the professor

To find a right word, or they will speak one word I need

There is not one word I ever NEEDED? I haven't read it yet? The textbook.

That is ABCDE

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