
Nicky, everything we see so far as long as we yell out, the court will work all around, nothing gonna be traps. No.

What you gonna do is ….you follow what I tell you.

There are 3 cold things, he controls their lifes. They cannot go without …girls cannot. Not that, not that. Both cannot. If he got jailed and framed to jailed, they lost their life momentum.

To the story I told everyone the Zen patriah, you could see the background.

That list of all 1st starting …but when she is she, her 26 was 26. Both 2 are not the same. You Nicky doesn’t go and truly that insane to control anyone, just be more joyful and carried a conversation. In the industry it’s a lot of blames. If both parents be jailed, she gonna lost her entire mind, body, soul….she has zero things to lean on. Both her and her sister. 

Her mother becomes very very very bitterness and if she got jailed, it’s a worse character she becomes very very poisons. She 26 didn’t get that far. She didn’t know my grandmom, but they should have some money or she needs to work if they lost all the money.

In this world, some career field, there’s no goodness. Most got jailed. That’s why she’s sees no danger but at the same time no supports. She wished to have some supports, but none will be there. She needs to grow up. I am not sure where this WWII, Melinda and me lines.

I wait til I got the call.

Think what I tell you, do things what you imagine you suppose to do. 

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