
No, I didn't file anything with the Sailor Moon

Because .... the Sailor Moon is a mini-skirt sent to this PC game. There is only that Tim Cook important, the rest of the real His Sailor Moon, are nothing appealing, but they are very knowledgeable nurses. Ph,D

Talk, stand, show up...and they are professional. Just not super good looking. But their language and talking manner all different. Most people are still taken you all very very needed the guys, okay? I think the world believes that, or the guys believing in that. I have no brain for a very long time, if not every single day out of this invisible groups, if I am not just fainted with the pain killer patches.

Then its on my stomach.

I told you I collapse on the bed. If not working exhaustion on the bed, I am still collapse on the bed. 10 years my life gone by, it never changed a bit. I am not sure what most people or the public or just the judge think of you. If just the Judge, or the jury required to listening to all this cases. My case has no defendant, I have no idea whom supposes to listen to that. 

And to this Open Galaxy, Soft already since 1950, or continue the efforts on to this public disclosure, I will tell you the guys' world, or the majority of the guys and the girls will be thinking about this Romance still inside their language when you present your cases. They wish to know whom you are, what you are, what your argument is, and stand dress right in front of everyone, if not on the public Television, just not on Earth. 

I think that will be the only thing real = You present your cases alone.

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