
oh no, I would not do that. I make 2 of that might be, you give a plate, decorated plate some washed green salad, one or 2 piece of that, the rest of revouli......with a white sauce.

Then you boiling the pot anyway, so you do a pasta blend mix (a little chill type those chicken salad) - the italian seasoning from America.

Raw belt pepper has to be washed, and cut, and align, you imagine cutting a bell pepper its easy at the edge jobs, you trying to put the salad and the decoration correctly, but its to be eating it down. The Balsamic vinegar its the healthy choice with the olive oil blend, its very very small touch, the assort raw belt pepper.

That is one full plate they can eat with some passing down bowls, and you put some bread + cream cheese mix with the mesh avocado.

They don't need to be that full, let's say lunch, and then whole afternoon its the snack food, or some other more cereal, sugar, or tea to wake up why they are there, or they go to nap for a little bit, and evening, something else. 

The ACE Bread cut, some lentil soupy (the slow cooked by itself the whole afternoon they nap, I napping too....), some white grain rice in the rice cooker.

Again. The steam brocolli (washed), some green peas (Chinese stir from those with the shell?) mix some very thin cut carrots, its a stir fried. Its the night time, how much they wish to put inside their stomach, and its not a too heavy jobs.

Some soy meat, its not as fat as the real meat. 

You marinate the whole day (starting the morning to the afternoon or the lunch to the dinner time, that is 5 or 6 hours if you starting at 10 or 11?)

Ginger, a chinese type of the fresh red pepper or they have too, and soy sauce and sugar. Including lemon grass if they got some.

The soy meat cooking methods just the spice put it together.

They bring home some plastic bags,

Chop and cut bell pepper assort, some dice cheese (the separate bag)

or the coming in those coconut water. (Just for example, in America I do that) - a couple bottle they lasting tomorrow?

Some wash salad, just one day food tomorrow, they take out the fridge to eat it.

Some shredded carrots, because...if they eating the instant noodle home, its really just putting in the hot boiling water. That shredded carrots lasting 2 or 3 days.

And they can eat raw, some white rice I put in the container with the eggs (last post, those Japanese Korean looking), its a full container lunch. They eat the tomorrow. 

I might have some of the cauliflower or broccoli washed and processed, next day its a kind of the raw, they take it out and just bites it and eat it. You imagine when they work, I work, its a bag its a food right there, they could just boiling a water and dump in it. 


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