
On my old Youtube Channel.....


Something about the hair and the thumbnail image?

You mean get ready to open a Portal like ITune one of those, but its a real human on the other side just like the Star War, or Star Gate, anything with the Star in it?

oh ~~~Thor?

Something all outdoor my video, street strolling other people's furniture and roller blades?

So the human are not supposed to look 1) Inept and 2) Impaired, and overweight? The entire ARM upper? 

浩瀚 - 陳曉

Not one of those chinese Novel version on "Lake" things like one of those Wallace stuffs? 


Those are the novels inside my parents their age reading. Our age reading the comic books or the Japanese animation.


If they stay 3 meals, and getting too much fat oily White people race the guys and the girls both really really sweat. Need to wash your hair all the time.

The green or the juicing drinking to that FDA standard, and washing the counter, the appearance, once you lost your hair, you imagine things get back to 20 years old? That is if whom they have the high tech? 

Its bad, but a lot of these bad things we always think...its the entirely fault on Man.

You never wish to be really walking in someone told you its the hair on the girl's side, really. Not that.  I am eating the noodles right now, but not all that carbohydrate so intended heavily on without the other cooked veggie if not raw, so that.....there is almost like the mono-diet, no meat, no complication, no soy, no fried food, no anything combined as if your stomach are completely omni-present capable to digest absolutely everything.

The group activities - I am sure American medical board they are international license themselves to create all this such creative approach to someone vanish from the screen. That is why they doing all that.


Like I told them.


The SMCH - facilitation other than me present. Meaning you wishing human to go and help her, other than me? I didn't know such awareness other than selfish human on the egotism glorification in the End time, really.


Muslin doesn't have the precept, so the girls go to the Buddhism.

They want the Chinese religion vanish. They need those girls cuddling no precept religion to continue during this End Time. All Muslin priesthood....sex, love, money...lustful.

Because the obesity girls all dead, most guys don't wish to hear about this diebete. If they themselves are, they will wish its not on the girl's counter-drugs, on the kitchen counter statues, so many European guys will seek the girls, or moving all together to Asia. 

I am aware of that. Just the shape, its their mind FOREVER cannot take that. Its very Obesity, not just I am swollen never going on that Olympia imagination. 

Soothing people's mind set.

And the Youth needs to be....at the front, meaning those 25+ years old competition or 18 years old to their own guys crowd. So I exit out of my realm really.

There are a lot of that going on, to every age bracket down. I don't need to talk to them, other than my own age, happy world somewhere, retired. That will be the true reality. But my side those never hear me a word after 40 years old. I say a lot of things, they refuse every single one of the words I say.

No, there is no religion anymore

It should be the money talk similar to that SMCH saying, money, making it your own commodity, the website, the digital e-commence, everything they put up that show, everything on the sale legally. I have purchased.

Eco-vegan, pass (in America)

The Center food, Taiwan, America and Canada, pass (no one stop me )

The center Taipei clothing (I can purchase, no one stop me. All legal transaction)

The celestialshop.com. I purchase, no one stop me.

The SMCH book for that Dr. Janez book. I purchased, no one stop me.

Everything they have put on the market, I have made many successful purchased, everything looks smooth, legal to me too. I never seen a police why the center cannot sell the vegan food. So I did buy.

uh, no I don't get jealous her small tiny money, I imagine me, really....

She was small tiny human, why I even bother to imagine we FOREVER never will be the competition, really.

Not the brain made destine. She is short, evidently say.

She is similar to what she used to be, if she could be this vola at the End time in front of me for that first life, she is every dying soul whatever that Bible no one finds out after dead.

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