
On this Earth, I will tell you when I grew up...there is no Outside Earth Culture, anywhere makes me believe that "certain attribute belief" hurting me. Meaning the school teacher teaching you a some philosophy idea from the Ancient Chinese Utopia incluidng the Parable.

What you label this SMCH cult were my mother and her sister gone with the kids dragging all together to the school and sit there. I still remember, but those are the night event, I will tell you my memory to that, it were more of Tina's friend from Hong Kong, we go there and gather and play. Trying to sit there together. Its not a school strict discipline, meaning the school is much much more higher grade and important in my concept. They are more righteous, as I grew up. 

And those teaching will be the Ancient Chinese, not that one person SMCH from Vietnam. 

I am preparing some of this communication from the external sphere, but as I grew up a very clear concept on Earth, I don't see why I have to change that belief to really really hurting me, and get back to the Earth and living with any of you. Because the Truth its, a lot of people already die on this Planet, you don't need to deny anything that allows to exist here since the humankind exist to shaken any of the rudimentary belief. 

God says, you will not go and be ready anything that is not your comfer zone, such as the microbiology. You understand?

You accept the Earth will be the only Authority, all these country agree, not outside. These are all your humanity brother and sisterhood. They count as One. Not outside. You going outside for the superficiality you becoming better and coming back here on Earth to hurt whom?

Hurt everyone before us, don't know why or how each law or agenda, were always in the best humanity reason to continue foster and improve. They are doing that every single day, therefore, you do not need to doubt that what I believe in this sphere of the Time and Space, including what given to me while on Earth needs to change anything dramatically.....those are not correct. God never do those things to hurt their children. 


A gravity is a gravity. 

You want to be a gay, or a lesbian, its legal.

You want to sew your house and burn it down, its a freedom given you act. 

You didn't see the human fly, so no human is flying. You only see the birds are flying.

The vaccine works. There is a reason how it works.

The vaccine is to eradicate the pandemic, or else it will not be label as a word "vaccine", its the modern medical invention in the medical care.

You need to remember this fact, not to shaken your own life, your own seeing the TV to create anything inside of you, you are already unstable, there is no reason to playing an inner very very stupid games in order for saying...."You conquer that AI Arm on telepathy."

You are not in the field of science, then that is one thing. But if you are planning to continue the science or the medical world, its NOT the microbiology floating in the room, saying that is anti-gravity, you saying that the vacuum on viral infection. Tell me how the bacteria or germ, or virus be alive in the vacuum? They are corpse to float to die in the space, trying to do that in the space? 

Inject an viral 10 direction from Earth.


Truely, TRY TRY TRY Not to be that STUPID. 


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