
Once if you secure your finance in this world, its really just your social skills how you mean between each other.

Your people skill, and most time its your gossips to each other friends that best day of life.

It cannot possibly only me one human as a girl to fix the half eternity, while that percentage, I personally just telling you its impossible.

The women's shelter

The women jailed inmate

Very often I think that is definitely your end road, ending up on the road. 

The guys I am with these 10 years....

They live on their ship, or they live very little food. The stability, and the smell, so it is almost every single day I am washing my toilet, becasue I got nothing else to do and I am too afriad I am seeing them real or fake.

Very very seriously. I prefer none of that are real.

I really don't care about it, but they are not leaving so....

When some guys never aging, never wobble, all have the family experience, all knowing these money digits, or the jobs, or the careers, or the normal sense of talking = clear, positive, up tones.

Here you say on Earth its rare.....

I don't want to hear about it what you think the standard to pretend wherever else I pretend to be that blind mice.

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