
Something about you dating the older guy? I ... didn't say that. I say do what you want, I say Tina Jojo will be 40 years old women? So...she at least having 3 dates this far, on and off....one of the middle told her only 3 months

They all have at least 2 kids, and first one has the gun. She wasn't even divorced yet with Hank, you could have people like you girls doing things, not just fighting with the ex husband on the legal paper, and went on 2 kids in the home, you going out mid-night Gala?

Some guys even...you mean my imagination if Westlife those far away corner, next by England, yeah, the guys can roaming life and in one of those split moment he decides to do something, or his age is real, or not real, or someone else adopt the kids, or something happened, the kids sometimes custody for the friends, sometimes...people have many reason why they have a support, let's say by themselves they make it that wealth or fame, or 2) they come from some background, and the guy decides in his own world, some friends talk, some friend's marriage, between the guys' networks, some guys doing those things. 

I have those friends just not wealthy, but you are among some wealth friends, just the husband and the wife never stop fighting, or one of the kid got dropped at your door steps for 3 weeks? 

When we grew up, we have one of that. Its not the Nanny, its not the mother. Its .... 乾媽

We always remember or I remember how that felt. Its my father's side friend, they have some upper manner women. The literacy clear, make-up, some fashion, tradition too. 

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