
🥭🥭🥭 Technically I never discuss this Buddhism Regent situation or the 5 Major Religion regent. For the Buddhism, I fire all of them. I one person makinig money for the kids. 🥭🥭🥭

That was the original purpose. Most time you all don't really...walk up to the jobs, and saying why you just deliver the TV saying. 

(Those upper Earth world laughed)

What can I do, I think its not very legal things they exist.  They open their mouth per words are not the precept, they keep saying they have 250 precepts women, 400 precepts in man. Last time that monks, were every sentence wrong, wrong wrong. There is no precepts.

You could chop off your tongue, never bother uttering a word, for saying that thought, deed, words = this one sector "words" you forever never opening up one sound. That is the standard. 

Don't ever argue with me one word, you have absolutely no precepts. That is the final saying.  I have very very little patience if not in nature you don't shut up, its the slaugher of the humanity guarantee like Dream Exchange Games 42, man or women, boys or girls nun. Not one sound, or else, that is entire man's groups tongue out, you as a girl jump. Once you dead, there is nothing to do with you anymore, no evidence trace. 

I meant exactly what I am that I am. 


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