
The leadership is when they trained you starting young. I happened to be in that Bible, I know exactly what exclusive right I FOREVER have. Not any of you.

This world leadership, many are mortals. They will subject to the pain.

The half eternity = the women will never arriving the income statue, so the man or the guys or the boys, will FOREVER suffered, never being supported, for saying that life being relax a bit, other than harsh all the time. Some girls ought to be doing some correct jobs, but that half eternity its HELL forever.

In this world and beyond, if we Open....any type of the leadership can go under the surface. It doesn't matter its Shane or me. Things have no trace, just leave it to the police. With that one Eben case.

The birds they are very sweet at both Eben and Ronan's birthday. So I kindle some nice conversation for one or 2 days extra. 

Dr. Bing Shen is local Chinese, selfish Chinese. He is not Taiwanese, but his family has to receive the money from him. I told you all UB, you die on the street, not one penny suffering inflame on me. I say so, I will do so. 

You didn't intend to foster others, you didn't mean it why God FOREVER ever the only thing exist....some type of the leadership beyond this world, its only between me and the rest of the other leaderships. I didn't have to surface FOREVER, if you would have all done your perfect jobs at all.

I have nothing to say about this FOREVER.

You all meant you have the greatest constitutional law right, freedom, and carefree.

The leadership never could be that carefree or freedom what? Dr. Jack?

What I have the Past, and including that ONE tiny bit leadership, its entirely The Sky, the Earth, the ether, not I am subjective for saying why I cared that tiny monitor I don't know whom i am, what I am, what I really capable saying exactly the hell I am. I put up this face until your half eternity hell forever finish.

Until then, enjoy your what freedom under that constituional right, whom won't want to have every perfect right? 

My mother too.

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