
The Sailor Moon or this Sakura Clear Cards (Witness Program: An assignment )

They doing this forever, either on Earth or outside the Earth. You asking the Judge. I am telling you, you have a rich kid, not me. You realize? They all having the male trait.

You have a talent piano accompanist, Asian looking. Its family supportive, not any of you?

They done this 1000 times cases, its always you are wrong 1 to zillion. You will learn how you had the very first meeting. You were wrong A to Z.

Whatever you are doing. That is what they do all the time, ALL THE TIME. You didn't have to take that package, because....in the real religious assembly, you just the way you are, 1000 years you never improved, that SMCH can sit better she never needs to becoming better herself neither. In that snail time of the Evolution, that is something meritorious Slow Progress Makes a Pace Haste.

Just means you didn't insist to growing out of your comfer zone a tiny bit.

I guess everyone will have a word, either you hear it or not. 

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