
This is about the music, or Seth things going on this Black hair or blonde hair guy in front of you? Really?

I am talking about the music  !!!!!

... They start to positioning themselves since several years ago, and now its 5 years pass? And you all becoming this miserable because? They are older now.

You don't want to really bet on the skills, and your character building because if things don't work out, on the battle field whichever high tech comes first, one of us still has to face the Music? That is the American slang "Face the Music"? Like face the reality?

Keep the shape, keep the hygienic, keep hydrate with the good water, warm soup, keep the voice singing out. Leaning some music genre, but you are not going to join this battle field. Do they literally telling you the high tech coming? I don't think so. 

I got mad when I see these lyrics and that Sailor Moon one frame, I told you....none of you trying to unleash or untie me, your industry will be going down. That frame is my side of the frame, the real roses?



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