
Under the Constitutional System to all branches legistration that gives the freedom what we belief, we can do in any occupation we wanted including fall off the Digital Era

As long as you pay the bills.

In other words, to that democracy FOREVER freedom acts, you have no reason to your personal belief on God including missionary nor preaching without - including without the service to humanity like the missionary as such is the Christian Sunday church, a piece book open close at that back of the bench.

It’s a seating position the priest deliver a sermon and a Sunday solo singer at the front. 

Under all Presidential activities such Clinton scandle was this SMCH return funds, to Biden, the foremost events it’s presidential fundraising and that you knew about Trump. In that sense SA all club under thr “construction label” has all activities in the name of their bills called “the fund raising”. I say I forget that Jonathon what was my correct position, I think it was the Secretary except without the bill or PCAT scores, I never question him “yet”. 

I just told them submit your paper to finish the simple tasks. It’s 16 years every Class year has a brand new election of all SA activities under there …SA president shows up are their political science major. That time has passed…

I do not agree any Kingship system if I found that out either Westlife nor Ronan this Messaiah, if it’s Catholic those youth pretending pope shows up how to monopolize their religion at the consumer market side. 


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