
Westlife is only one person, that is Shane. That is the main singer. Without Shane, there is no Westlife.

Just the boyband itself. I keep saying that. You cannot let him going it down, that is the entire Westlife going away. He is a leadership, I just wasn't sure what kind of the leadership that he was, but after I listening to him more carefully, because I start to facebook his personal page, I say.....

I used to be in the leadership in the high school, we have the clubs events, classroom events, the participation with the boy's school. I have met the guy's leadership in the Asia side. They are just as garbage as....I see it from the TV, so I make my own conclusion that is just the way I derive a conclusion.

Everything else we talk about it, its between me and him. Under the premise, "If IF IF I were again in the girls clubs, or the girls team to doing this PR as if the leadership socializing events, this is what I do ABCDEFG...."

I didn't tell you what I did, I just do only things behind this time, no time to explain. I literally got no time. Someone a year ago could have told me they are coming to Asia on the tour schedule, and they have the managers or their near by whom? Ronan ~~ I pronouce Ro, Nen.

I had a Volleyball team, just as garbage as I ever imagined.....could be in their shoes. I bought them the uniform, give them the old ones for the souvenir. I cut my hair, each of them ending up on the Sailor Moon. Before I leave Taiwan. I left things right in the Silicon Valleyball, my entire junks and the credit cards....before I took off in the air.

Did I do a thing to them?

I did. I give them a letter.

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