
小鬼小和尚~~~該你們了 !!! Westlife only 5 people, you only need to nail one on the wall...I already say, that is Shane that one!

你們可以就選擇這問題的最終答案~我講了兩個月的電話,我從來不存在的從前呀 !!!

You all can just pick your own final things I ever done for 2 months long since Christmas last year. If I make my intention very clear, I don't know how clear this would ever seen to you?

Its Shane did that himself. He is the leadership. Every spot lights its right on him.

Imagine its my mother's last name? 

W Two Worlds? 韓劇,小鬼小和尚~  以前尊上是排球隊的副隊長 ! 三千女孩子女校的,有25班一屆,尊上以前有排球隊 + 直排輪的表演,本班的那個班級有班長跟班代


班長 Perfect

班代 Public relation 簡稱通常就叫做 PR

副隊長因為當初這美國現任的總統以前也是副總統叫做 Vice

所有副的都叫做 Vice 後面接一個字在隊伍叫做 Captain 所以尊上叫做 Vice Captain ,美國總統叫做 Vice President (白宮的,你們要找誰呀 ! )




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