
When you are overweight not like me type, you put weight vertical, and not bind to a chair.

The vertical weight it’s right at your joints, it’s where the more expensive replacement comes later in life. Most old people never telling you how how how expensive the senior care really really really is. In Taiwan, we have a health insurance packs meaning you input some money at these health package, what I arguing them this or that on the blogger not in the lawsuit, venting when or where that each year by what number, I just going to stay in the hospital.

Not Taiwan expensive, but everywhere else are bound worse. 

The truth is people get fat, they really eating something else for 3 full meal or in-between something else. High tech it’s exclusive stuffs when ET and American military never stop fighting, it might be a physical war, what you gonna do, saying no one dies?

The simplest job for a girl it’s really just shortcut yourself to something for easy people can see, hear, and know what you up to. 

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