
Why don't you go and ask your Master (SMCH), she may not always have the answer but she will find out?

She is in her jobs about 35 years really. Most time you asking what stuffs?

The birds are very cynical 憤世嫉俗

They don't want to hear any of this called TED stuffs, not one bit. The other day on that Facebook APO stuffs, how you get rid of the human, that is the stuffs they feel comical. They hear every words. Everything else is fake and boring. You are not inside outside presenting to them. The birds. 

You cannot handle your own lifes. Your very existence inside your all around life. You are not very very capable, impaired, inept, the ear really cannot hear, kinda of the deaf at. The physical ear really got damage those deaf.

You wish, you pray that attention from everyone, not just from your Master really. As if her attention can change your entire life all around you, whom you with, currently not dead out yet. She is getting old too. She is a nun too, her jobs she knew what she supposed to do according to what she streaming down anything she says out of her mouth.

I don't really know what they do inside that organization, and where all those help you saying whom did what and not. Those they decide things its between them.

Mahavatar Babaji he has things needs to get done, he knew exactly what's between him and me. None of you all cared about anything above the bracket other than that people-to-people skill when that entire organization annihilate off. You imagined after I leave, you will have zero surveillance anymore. 

Just like that Eben Pagan.

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