
You are aiming what? Going out of the Earth by shipping yourself, or Pyramid methods just disappear? Tell me a reasoon to make a sense?

Whatever all this Sci-fi, Babaji Conquer and Divide through that Charmed, 3 witches! 

Give me a sense I understand your language per vocabulary. Seeing the sunlight through?

One Sense - by just imagining you going in and out of the Earth this....you mean the space straight down to the Earth = the shortest amount of the time to reach the shortest distance down on the ground. Yes or no?

So ...tell me which things you imagine the most immediately while you sitting inside a capsule?

The pressure, the temperature, the sunlight too hot? Make a sense to me, which things comes the first intuitive when you studying your science in your background?

Give me a defintion of this Gravity and the Pressure

Just like that Jupiter.

What is the liquid ocean we fuss so much between me Anna and NASA. They understood anything I say or just everything I say or they say suicidal?  Want to tell Brat Pitt that?

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