
You as a girl, you don't know how this tradition continue? UB MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2 from Mormom religion, and this is the world tradition right here WWII interface line? Tradition in Frozen 2 remember? And?

You need to imagine what?

Lee willing to do for your or the whole world willing to do for you? Your best friend will not be her right? 

Let me think its the Birds say Ronan Ronan Ronan ....(Keating)

or Ireland say Ronan, or that is Ireland has the human population on it with the flag saying the tax or the Roman Catholic, or what was it....Ireland Medical Board, you mean they have a useful doctors those kinds including the girls not yet the women, one of those? You starting 17 years old? How sweet...you know one of those Levine's junk last time Facebook flood, one guy is at those NATO just happened to name Mark!!! Near the War things, they sent the NATO in the war field, I give him a choice,...his name is Mark. To go home .....

What is Ronan has anything to do with this again? 

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