
You can just go on the new assign location, and vola that entire town, brand new meaning no human faces on any of this material, not to get into one of those reason why it was, it was on Anna's burnt down facebook?

You go on your new world, not that clutch to the Past, you were only in the undergraduate program, you want to tell me since the day you graduate from UB when? 2007 or 2008 Dean? And Right now 15 years pass, 2023, you didn't create any other New World somewhere else?

You don't have to go back to this classroom, you settle some of that paper works, because it has things in it, but you can go and buddy something else, not clutch, and he is a guy, you are a girl, most guys will tell you your entire life has nothing in it, really. 

Go to some of the musical festival to make yourself truely happy in that location, in the envrionment or the future hope-to-be

You are really looking for a future date a the girl will soon be 40 years old, and imagine you were 20 years old body? You saying the guys never study the book or the internet, or figuring out the things inside their brain, your life or his life?

You sure you can handle anything if older whom in the imagination, they have the kids by now 45 years old, those are Tina Jojo's dates? Meaning she is Jonathon's age, one year younger than me? What is so big deal 2 years really between any of this classroom activities?

You are determined its your life blank, or all the dating guys their family life were in blank. Why would any guys having so many family, or ex gf, or ex wife to any kids around, why why why those guys just cannot but keep having more kids?

Ronan - Isn't a wonder?



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