
You didn't have to go on the Ireland musician...you don't have any local artists, or whom you follow up? Not America, not Canadian, where you suppose to be from?

You can try out in this discussion

1. What do you think their culture like to listen to where the money will land in the next 5 to 10 years, Korea is next by, but I heard they are popular in France.

You want trying that? Because you knew it you never gonna SING?

2. I was watching or talking to someone over there on their TV channel listing...its at 999 below, I think its 951 or 954 ? So ....the Western world music, I mean their music before that, so.....

3. They say they fish out some of the name on the top, called 10 mins talking on the Zoom, save my 2 weeks imagine the name or the artistis writing in Chinese copy and paste?

You trying to imagine you live at their local, to one day, you planning to together traveling over there...just landing once, so you will have the second times? But this time you will surely paying attention what list, you automatically knew it so well?

Their television remote controller? Other means other than the internet, Vola?

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