
You don't need to go over broad to the life that is too different from your existing current life ....I had a choice? You know what you did on the TV, so someone behind has to twist and turn, I even show to you?

Some people have to do things in life, you don't go and compare if you can deliver a thing, that is God says, not God says, just the TV saying so, I will surely make amend, I will be the God, re-saying all that? 

You want to do that in your own country millitary, you ever exist anywhere seeing the military people ever in your life? I always born near by, so I took it, its normal talking about them all the time. Seriously. 

But you may never seen a military uniform, or a Cop, or something the law & reinforcement. I seen a lot inside too, so I am not getting used to at the beginning, but I am? Gradually....



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