
You don't want to talk about the science, you don't want to talk about the mliitary assignment, you don't want to talk about the short goal or long goal to this Open World scenario, you don't want to plan this Westlife musical festivial 1 week, or you are.....

Is anything else you prefer to talk about, not about the science.

Washing my hair stuffs inside the sink with the baking soda, tell me I am in an emergency to wash my hand to that soap, that soap goes in that water soaking my hair stuffs 2 of them.

Is that bothering the alkalinity idea or acidic neutralization idea? Today is my washing days !!!!!! Everything ~~~ including the floor and her carpet she washing that.  I swift my own floor, I wipe my own alcohol, bending it down, getting it up.

This morning while you were in exam, I was exercising listening to the music in the living room, about 15 mins, somewhat running or walking? Moving all around, losing weight? I am not like you if I could go forward?

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