
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฒ You get 5 yellow folder - each inside stuff like 5 A4 sheet. just blank ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฒ

Sit down.

Take each first sheet start labeling, "Fitness and Ballet Stretching at your own dorm for now."

"Music, single or pair, trying to sing at the open air, screaming, you try 1 and 2 and 3 times."

Shuffle that sheet back, forget about it.

3) Youtuber, we heard about that Taiwan 2015 this guy name is what "English", their current female President "Broken English". Strange, but I record it down, today's date is March 11th.

    2nd sheet: I have look Anna's Pinterest, here is the URL link: 

                      Its about the printing art, how she created the demo, or affiliate software, or the local shop trying on the printing technology to compare each arrival that day, right now to her, it makes no different to her, she told us. But before these 3 things she personally touch-and-feel the day they arrive in the mail, or pick up the demo from the car drive or the competitor look out, walk-in the store. She feels blank. She is blank of all kinds of the glossy, words, or the description, untili the days all the mail arriving in. She only says she sses the Visa, Send-out-Card, and Orillia printing shop, and Office Depot and Hallmark she has visits.

4) I have a current this pilie-ing professors 10 subjects line, I seen and meeting whom, I remember some feeling about this.

a, b, c, d, e, f, g ....

5)  Returning the school

    a) The career office

    b)  Inside has a alumni list

    c)  What is an alumni list means?

    d)  Tutoring and the library how to use a database, in case I becoming her, one thing without the mistakes.

    e)  What is the graduation expected date, at the tuition office, or their mail boxes, she says UB has what, the drop down mail tuition box? On the wall, on the career office across of it. Adria......That is the 400 millions dollar deficits next by.

    g)  I wonder how broken I will ever be in the end of the expected graduated dates, Ballet studio and the fitness plan in the school. Is that the same sheet of the Ballet sheet that one, its two different location, we currently has none. 

Shuffle back each of this one sheet, or 2 sheets to that folder, you have a name tag on top, calligraphy on it right.

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