
⭐️⭐️⭐️ You girls often are not those guys including accounting, they are selfish or they are dummy, rigid but one thing…in their life no matter what, it’s the bank ⭐️⭐️⭐️

That’s equal on both side.

You suppose to tell the guys your finance including directly telling him you have no back end road, never ilegal plotting. He reports you, you got taken to the women’s shelter.

Under God, you die on the street because you ruins your own very life never ends.

He and you are the equal under God.

He needs to know very very clear, never you plotting. Some guys are bad so….unless you seeing the target short or medium somewhat established all guys world, you suppose to give him a choice.

Tell him the Truth.

Never ilegal stuffs. Lose him your face, you are the criminal. That’s the correct act.

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