
You go into those leadership learning skills when you are a kid, not coming out of the society. People look at your resume, what you had before.

The guys they are always buddies together. The girls always buddies together on the movies. In my life, I don't think so. Well...you have to imagine other things too.

The money. I don't really think you are all planning the first trips or the second trips to the Washington D.C, any arguments you imagine you have the jobs, or your peers at the age 40 supporting you "unconditionally". You always expecting that.

Things you want to move ahead, you have to put forward your own efforts. Get up, go to the print shop, asking the question 1 to Z. Prepare and keep talking to the person next by you, if you want to try out the farmer's market. A lot of this trying once its more than enough you get a field of it.

I don't really care about those things right now. 

You girls if you were sharpen up really focus....you should get into one of those company idea, because you are a girl. If you partner with another guy, you don't feel this Sailor Moon looking right? The resource distribution more wider and grander? Or you really think you all so super important now? 

You better not to have that attitude with God. You should know that. Not kidnapping the TV.

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