
You gonna be 40 years old soon, in 1 or 2 years difference from me. Some people they start working in their early 20. Me Asia paper thin were the family tradition, but I start working as soon as I settle in UB. That is not the first year the evolutionary biology, and apparently that is softmore they called it.

So as soon as I got the car, I get a job, like my uncle told me. My roommate and keep a relationship so she was from Taiwan, she told me. Her sister also came to staying with her. Erin with them are the 3 Taiwanese that I speak only English to them.

This far....23 years pass, on my English to imagine Ancient Chinese. 

People pile up the paper works so there is a reasonable thinking, logic, deductive logic, inductive logic, to each step how those terms are not cognitively register inside your brain, really.....People whom have been working and capable to yield something, sometimes, and along the way, to pace that step-by-step, because I was restrain....but I can feel it after 2021 however when I file the lawsuit, the air more open. 

Then I land down the numbering.

Now....people whom knew how each and every Friday night working never get out a door, and restrain on the temporary idea, but knowing the money its there. I will tell you you didn't do anything in your life to imagine a 20 years old somewhere if they make it having the kids, in another 5 years, you imagine you were their kids.


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