
๐Ÿฒ You like that stuffs, or you just have to like it no matter what? ๐Ÿฒ

Everyone all has a different kinds of the brain, some are very clear. The crystal clear IQ, that doesn't need to heed away all those attention outside, to that every thought tread don't tangle itself, and panic included.....that life orientation got disrupted, you lost your entire life plan goals.

My job is what? Just talking none sense, and the money rolling in? You mean these rudimentary subjects?

The application of your textbook to some other News you read, or some of this little things you hear from, or TV says, or something.....I just didn't have time to turn on that television all day listening to what they coming up stuffs? We Taiwan has the local channel news speaking in Chinese. I understand them all.


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