
You may sue the Sports Arena - correct. The life supposes to be more....whatever you claim. You gonna lose the ET God Head.....

All the military, because the guy's world, they prefer really somewhat their original nature. Their very primitive response any kinds of THAT mocks the hierarchy of the world.

You can sue the Neutral Race like Lalla those short hair + Tattoo. You didn't mean you don't like the guy's anymore, in fact you prefer to get a bf with all this money you found in the last 3 lawsuit including this. That is 1 and 2 and 3. You cited what you did. 

You wish the guys to be ......

A) Knowing your games and play, including the sex or the massage

B) Somewhat like the novel, not Anna's. Tina's novel those ending in the Flower Thousand Bones as the forbidden book. You think that is somewhat meritorious, because that guy's name you can sue him.

C) You wish the guys to know you have an inner voice, meaning suppress too long. You cannot shout out. A lot of the responsibility including the planning for the kids if you have the kids, or likely might really adopt a kid or imagine a kid in the future long life. You have thought about it having a completely, union family structure. You think that is important, and you think the Guys like that.  I forfeit all these lawsuit.

D) You know what the guys like, you growing up with them, you know that in your heart, you list them 1 to Z. I have no idea what you know about the guys.

E) You wish the job career and training be more women favor

F)  You wish its women and the children's equality statue in the society, including the annual salary negotiation.

Something like that.

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