
You want me to describe to you these 4 Heavenly King in the Sailor Moon?


Let's say the police networks ensure every street every household at night are safe, meaning the night market all sorts....I will tell you, I live in the darkness for some time and to these every scene you seeing it in front of this story were 1 person in that no one all around, but between you and that person. 

No one around, you know what it means, when you transpassing a world that fallen the Digital Era, inside a Matrix City Wall all around world? You are one person alone could do ALL kinds of the things if you knew where to show up, how to show up, what to say where to go about. 

In this world, that Medical Giant or the IT Giant often are in a label including the Pharmaceutical. I personally haven't figure it out, I keep thinking the Pharmacy until recently I thought that is not Wing's label at. He was a Pharmacy...but he is in research?! (?) - so until I have to hand in the reports to the Medical flying to that European their same grades committee board, I have to say there is a UB Pharmaceutical chairman.  

It hasn't a week, I haven't figure it out why I have anything to do with them???? 

In the past so many years, I have to do a lot of things one person says, write, create, and thinking through, including outside. When you confronting any situation like this TV says, they give you a music background.

What if that is every universe you ending up just have to keep labeling you that, one person to confront everything when you growing old with or without human?

The birds cannot stop talking sterm.....hey where is America Pharmecutical Board? 

Erin and Sherry were the roommate, after she got off Jame's house without telling me. A better place to study. 50 Shade of Grey.

Ming was a Chinese, also your Ph.D or Master?

Whom is after Ming, the NYC with the SUV from her Ph.D gift her family given her, and her church whom needs a place to stay the pharmacy student name Electra.  Do you do anything with that?  Is her name something She....??? Not Sherry looking name?

I keep seeing this actress laterly on the Tik Tok.

No, I think Sherry has the issue. She has no back end road that time, she keep saying and applying through UB, and that is one thing she got through, the Pharmaceutical science. Not back to Taiwan. But their personality are thin. Erin has probably a lot more friends and she joins this Taiwanese association and their mailing list and sometimes she mail me. We just sometimes keep in touch. She has some other Thai friend and that Chinese guy. But no, they are none of them can take the pressure, you mean in America the real job ?

Not really.

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