
You want to imagine why you shift yourself out, I say Climate Change too extreme weather issue. Day dream a bit, what you gonna do in other people's land more establish society, tell me....really.

How do you imagine what kinds of the society Harsh Punishment to every criminal if there is AI means whatever you are imagine you file-ing your own very lawsuit, how to get there, or got choosen? Haven you seen many of this movie producing.....the fantasy island, a lotto, a ticket, a what scene always to do with this "Chosen one".

What makes you decide to leave the Earth? If you could? Day dream a bit?

Now we are on a new term Anna I say last year starting this "Military Iconic", what if its worsen than you all imagined, and you all mean your IQ brain on romance, til the Day You Found Out.

And...your reasoning to that one person, one story....

Its you run away from your home town girls having a story, of your past ...that past would be MD 6+1 to MD 4+2 ....must be really lucky to ending up the WWII interface line, this guy in the comic book just saying a random edge points, and you aren't here....yet.

You want to change my saying, its Kail the military iconic, right?

That day would be the legal lawsuit on your position or your title, if you make the mistake now?  If I am shifting out, he is the Military Iconic saying the decree through a book 30 years ago, not just the birth certificate UB Commons ID cards you cannot find out, now tell me....

This slap to drag a curtain all the way to Ireland, you saying....1) American Medical Board or 2)  NASA First Asteroid Invites - the Planetary Defense

Its in which you would be a girl, yet a women,

A boy yet to be a man

Rising from the East to all decree

Under me Anna watch? Online protocol says? Its side by side, right in the middle of the it?  There is a Japan democracy, there is Korea democracy, there is Singapore democracy, you don't need that China. There is a Cambodia, there is Hong Kong, there is a Vietnam, there is Thailand.

Any language you don't see that money dollar sign through that Backstreet Boy.

None of us doing a job for the money life. Not Westlife, not Backstreet Boy, and not me Anna, right? Make a sense to me. How you suppose to Rising from the East?

Any your military strategic plan, what you mean you don't becoming his says? Every chosen ones? What could he really meant the chosen one the every prince and princess alike leadership?

Abyss starting again?

Here that Ku's life not too bad, isn't it? 

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