
You want to talk honestly, every frames, and someone whom your CD cover, young or old, or medium age? You help them, help yourself file anything sounds like being honest and reasonable?

I have so many lawsuit written now? You buddy together its to do something, right?

Look, if Mike finish collecting things, and they each 3 leadership sent me a copy, I add some notes behind it, or adding what I think or some ENGLISH paragraph...not the first day what did the TV Lee says in Chinese? He graduated? 

Now this my entire UB disappeared you all faces, you gonna show up on the facebook, you can just groups yourself, tell one of you sending me a copy of your THAT groups, such as 5-9? You don't know how you make yourself a copy inside that Hollywood? You at least telling me, you are very sure you are not the same identical people ? 

The Sailor Moon, just find which the Moon or the Earth Prince sent me the copy? Which one of you I actually know? 

You are the main character to go and communicate with the rest of the groups, because sometimes its me know the Moon or the Earth Prince, can that be so difficult? 

You could just all sit down once, talking to each other, and leave the second days, okay? No one to be extreme, or Dennis just asked me when we all sorting the same time, the similar witness program, I think when they coming it down, I am not too far away from the date in the Sky?

They will evaluate the situation.

The guys may not know whom you are, or he doesn't have an incentive to go and see? Sometimes you don't know how the groups make up with the guys, the tall guys they just buddy together to group on their own world, never coming back to the meeting, what you gonna do?

The day they found out?

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