
You want to yell at the Judge, because she will not hear it unless you saying it straight at her faces : You belief its just the born statues means, you have the born statues.

This is the democracy worlds under the capitalism, you keep insisting that.

The Judge may not understand what the TV meant to say. You work your labor like the Bible say how much you work, how much you eat. That is about the same story ending it this time.

And technically speaking among you, or while I was in UB, talking to people other than the Honor Class Groups activities, I met some other girls were in the accounting or the psychology major. She is white, she is an Asian. 

In your entire group, you just didn't know "You didin't lie to me" whom is a real priest, or whom is the educator. So that, there is a reason why that class ending up in that way, what you mean the diversity of the group acitvites, its not your one person mouth jobs, you keep insisting a saying how you could drop all of them, just because you have the born statue right. 

That is my facebook, there is nothing to do with you at all, to each of these Faces!!!!

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