
你們台灣Youtuber 的事情,是我在帶的,有人在哪個阿滴英文冰島,還是劉沛西班牙開始在乎台灣 Youtubers


『花千骨 40 變成 14』流放的之外,叫做誰對上誰,凡蒂岡的自治區 (花千骨),我覺得有人常常搞錯東西送東西送到什麼地方。

"You all Taiwan Youtuber matter things, its me Honorable Superior teaching you all this......when 阿滴 at Iceland, or Pierre in Spain, someone someone someone starting to care about this Tawian Youtuber"

Very lonesome, but to teaching Taiwan English are not this

"Flower Thousand Bones from 40 to 14" the expel outside, whom vs whom, its Vatican Self-tory territory (Flower Thousand Bones), I often thinking someone mixing up something sending somewhere.

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