
98 Degree


American Hot Dog


Ep 05 - TV 溫暖的弦



Voice Memo:

98 Degree Song (to Nominji)


98 Degree Song (to Nominji talk ) Hi ~ 98 Degree


Talk about your hygienic, your sex talk idea, public face idea, the public shame idea, holding hands with your ex, or ex bf, or ex husband? How you feeling real, or it bothers him, not bothering you? We went to a Cinema at night not watching the movies. They have old car competition including the motorcycle, on the highway 7 , Good Morning Sunshine to Vartan, that will be to the East. They...I have no idea where they going!  Earth can only rotate one way, Vartan you know that.....its to the East. THAT way........------------>

Some people cannot put those words inside like...talking about its like those bump on your skins, or brush away, or just....a health class talk? You know how the health class always invite some guests coming to our middle school, high school to do some presentation or the guest speakers to the School? So you remember some of that growing up the nutritional class, not the health class.

What do I think you should do?

Sex talk.

Nominji music industry your dad




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