
America exists, of course they exist. They are capable. I don't know how they doing it, but I dare to put on the words on the lawsuit, why I am afraid they cannot?

Its a similar idea like Dalai Lama. I mean the real...That, not the spiritual leadership. No.

Your constitutional 10 Bills. 

You need to write exactly what I wrote just now, that is what I will tell you. You don't let those digits keep going, you anull, null, nullify that existence of court. True. It is....no judge at the moment, but the paper works are being processed.  That case would be bliblical, a Judge on the table, you don't over-rule Me or you will have the eternal problem. The American, they know what that is. The democracy world. They are.

Its fine. But you need to submit that "Stop sign" not to let that keep going up the total digits of those number, someone will tell you, you doing it on purpose.  Most people probably don't realize that, I am. So I stop that. If I have anything else in mind, I will ....I am not sure what I gonna do. I am not the real lawyer. I ask Shane. But I stop that whole things right there including the money digits sign. That is how they calculate only til that case. 607.

Correct, I am aware there is an estimation. Most people probably won't make that judgement call even so soon, for most people are not aware. I am aware of, so I stop that.

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