
Beside talking to Shane on the lawsuit?! I say their culture like that Ronan Messiah sounds like....the European culture must be one of those hallo goodbye, he taste his own cooking on the spoon to say oatmeal healing meal on my mouth, that is what the European share the same spoon !

I am just saying their European culture in the real essence.... They didn't think this Ancient Chinese Drama are real. Really. He shows me some of the stuffs, so I say....No, not that not that not that..

The strip of your summer cloth even in America or in Europe are WAY too cold. I never buying those, not in America you can really dress like that. In Taiwan yeah !!!! But the culture you don't dress like that.

But in American just WAY TOO TOOOOOO cold.

He does on purpose. There is nothing I like. TOOOOOOOOOO COLD.





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