
Drowning - my father when I was very small in the resort, he just throw me in front of many people, inside the water. Many times in the cave where the water was yellow.

I remember.

If you mean the witness account to that just a serial number, not very polite.

Me and Zawanna had become the eternity last night. Don’t know for how long, but I am still very happy. He is KR position, Thor is Tony.

First life:

If you saying the boundary between the water and the land…I don’t remember I seeing anything water habitats, like I say before….there was a superstitious nature in that Past. A lot of this wildness including your Bible defined or your current ET, you will not necessary categories them in that wildness because the word you usually apply it’s within the Earthly sphere where the human population divided its Kingdom and in that sphere, you have the boundary of …

They’re people not very welcoming those ideas, they are just like you, contempt the central idea, they don’t think AI or high tech police exist, for some really really strange reason. It’s a very frighten world to me, because of that. They do that deliberately or ids my sense cannot get anymore …

When Zawanna those military iconic dominates, their weaponary is high tech. Meaning very very lethal and fetal. In other words, the police here is humane. Inside all your inmate eyes because ….they are not cyber, or if that’s mix between anything that humanity will not be enstall in them, some probably is human, but that entire system it’s on your movies says.

They wishing people ill and same mundane world where “any mortal defines its per trace feeling and want to compete as they born such “ how to get better than each other, show off, arrogance. It’s against you all Buddhism, but I guess you all meant the religion won’t exist anymore eternal, that will be a serial number only.

Zawanna is very old. Very.

He had announce per life 52 that few frame, every life every torment every promise the Lords will deliver. Most of you don’t believe just outwardly manifestation in Shiva, he won’t show anything he belief, not really. But their people will. That they have.

Shiva not sure that’s his or her child, both will tell you…

Probably in the economic reason you all becoming Asian eye glasses guys dirty and paper thin to that none calculative money in the future idea so will I, no more humanity.

But currently we are all starting from the beginning, the reason you promise Lords it will never be religion  for anyone near you, next by you, lower than you. That branch of tree tugs, it’s you angry, it’s your feet service, right?

That punishment will be dire to every Indian. You didn’t born need a face, starting birth, understand? Nor friends other than your lord …really.

That mood under you religion will forever never exists as I am warning you, over thought more deed per action, you only deliver your Lord that very very very basic Laws - that’s only 80 years to the transcends lifes, no one knows death til getting to the veil, no one. Never even high tech them. Understand ?

There is no liking

No judgmental 

No military 

Just the Lords, the military evolution, want to see?

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