
溫柔的弦 Ep 22


You know the Title of this China Drama ...."String" kinda of "Salty" "Picky" same sounding.


The last thing anyone to be this fallen pitfalls were to be shown in front of someone else, what sibling, Father, or Heavenly Father. The eternity jail as long as you shall ever lived !!

Let's say this society nature = you starting to open up your mouth to literally describe a clear account "side by side" what you see, what you hear, what you going by that TV per picture spot, you won't forget your own facebook authorization per click buttom? What is that anything to do with the tear inside my eyes, I shut down that facebook all by myself?

When I am not on the Google + or Twitter finishing up that 2018-2020, do I ever miss the facebook? In fact I did. I getting this sense....I don't have any social media. Meaning under the water, you could be like one of those noisy people seeing the Past. 

And then the day I did get back and seeing the Pitfalls of too many on their weary faces to life, you cannot help but wonder certain things. One of that things would not be = 1) I Anna got distract to running around without the court, and its 2) 7 years down I doing it on purpose because of my book submission at 2013, waiting 6 months, to becoming...

All your own karma pitfalls, if you were just getting things right on the first day, the first time, the first person. Including 2006 whatever all that means. Not 16 years later, not 7 years someone waited.....her only belief inside her own very book cannot be published.

You would be this stupid, truely idiot !!! Stepping all over the buzz like that Harry Potter Castle outside. I want to know what expel means?!

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