
Group leaders - facebook

You set yourself 5 years. Get an American medical doctor, saying "I need first day when I land, first week, first month til the first year complete."
I need 5 girls dates, 5 boys date, including if I mentor them, including speaking English.
I need you to shrink my expense, why I am seeing this my vanity and venting never stop starting the first week the end.
I need the trash guys or the u-bert thing set up on that phone, no language needed, but sign in.
I need the Fedex guy set up
And a post mail like Anna had, I want to ship a box to you or my friends about 10 times that first year, starting the first month as the habitual things. This agenda I plan to do that 5 years, but I might come back the third year.
I want to talking to the youth, ABC fine, speaking the English, or what they up to in life. Math, science, outlook, money, finance, or 101. What can I get this 5 years jobs done, saying 3 years. My agony will be my woe and vent /vanity starting first day.
I will forget how warm that is. How to set up an air-conditioner. I go alone, or else I will be against when I finish the 6th years, and I will cut off all things all around me, including the existing ALL things + the house, + the investment to shrink.
I don't want to hear about it, in that 6th year, or 5 and half year.
Help me.
When you becoming way too happy, don't bother calling me. Its the blessing eternity, really ! I want to cry ....
You want to get the shoeless website, finding your own size before you leave America, really. The shipping its free after 50 dollars. You will be start walking, and doing things on your own, trying to be less inept if that is on the street. 
You WILL becoming supersticious how much you will finish your entire garbage left behind....anything was the Past all by yourself, really.


If you are one of those human like the lawsuit others, you say... in 5 years, you realize all your older friends all becoming the Huge Grant faces. You will start file-ing the lawsuit, that your life being affected like Anna's facebook she lost her facebook. Its a lawsuit related to the facebook. They lost life, lost vitality, lost hope, lost romance, lost inspiration, lost college feeling, they still was the same 20 years ago, but.....they expect things, and all got stuck. It won't have anymore 5 years to say 16 years. You say, this file-ing claim was done before anything I will be using the service of the local hospital system, and that has a data design in the China's TV, you are not sure all Anna says were true on the hospital and individual clinic business format, you are not the doctor, but you wish to learn more. This will be done the process while I am oversea. I wonder if this combination lawsuit do anything good to me, the very reason why I wish to file at this time.
I personally will take a taxi to first hand on learning this Taipei Water Factory including this high tech format, because I will acquire a real address that time. That tiny city vinicity, its like 10 mins on that taxi anywhere I want, and safe in that entire district zone. That will be my walking or few bus stop to the hospital, while I am settling there becoming more familiar, and....my face giant needs these service in that 5 years. What lawsuit options do I get, just to hear about it, not to imagine it or doing it while there, I am already burning up my forehead in madness. I am a guy's mechanism, no more words.
That location visits will be 1) First hand on the Taipei Water Factory, 2) the Hospital High tech. (this enclose the video from Anna's eye doctor and expense she didn't say how much or this is how much. She forgets if she says that amount.
I didn't intend to wish anyone ill 5 years, not to say 3 years passing I will forget about them very often, very often in my Time and Space. Certain things driven people....walking. Absent minded and forget about it. I am still very very very exhausted from the Past concert about 25 years ago. That burden still on me. I will find a lot more medical care and local therapeutically superstitious, what if I am right? Can I get any support now, I wish to be at that next destination more cease to believe I making a right decision. I have no more parents to pamp my back shoulder for saying, I need another good day to breath !
You say, this lawsuit to my personal well being. My physical body deterioration with a lot of things happening. I have my own reason to disassociate with the groups including all this relevant costs or the investment if were saying that is China next by. There is one options to D.C. What is that Anna says 25-7. I start file-ing it now, or my face plastic now? My working hazard, known as the occupation hazard, meaning my mental sphere, overal feeling the vitality, or the dragging feeling of the continental weather, I wish to know the life direction wasn't just one person point of view, but what if that was right? I gonna come back to these certain video that time, so the opening of this video will be 5 years later. You know how I am as a real guy, the man's power if were rising upward the civilization methods were to be finding what was dragging behind, that day, that year, that trajectory was wrong 5 years ago? I wasn't lucky enough, that is what I would say, I am telling you.
W Two Worlds -  Point a gun at someone
I will be telling you, the day how the divide and conquer if were not starting this round table turning around, you will be seeing exactly what I mean, it should have been done 20 years ago +5. That would be the American Medical Board I quote I think the day she disappear to the mountain Top.
(insert that link again) This is the second time I quoting this video again, this is the second warming after the 5 years gone, there is a publishing records on both VS, and here in the relevant costs I found out including myself too happy time to describe...its everything I need. There is every reason between that I amt he only one walking out with the only face intact, that is really funny, 5 years ago, there was a make-up transformation to that -5 to +20, how you Make Me Feel...to this point of the quarter of that time length in their proceeding lawsuit, I am the side by...none relevant personel, this is exactly what I saying to you.... I say get up 1. Two, if you don't know what that really mean to really move it your butt, this is the last time warning before that 25-7-5 means.....the future where I am the happiest time unlike Anna, UB has no money, and she is on that eternity lawsuit for saying petty things to file, if not all of them bankcrupt 2 days ago, it was exactly the file I am doing it now, or she would just copy paste that time, for saying....this was too trivial of my faces, Its someone getting their face back in the Flower Thousand Bone, I would never imagine this lawsuit will end up like this, MOVE IT. 
This is the third time I insert this links again, including that face, knee, side by, oops...that Biden's faces too giant....to this eternity lawsuit Flower Thousand Bone, I will be taken it, that eternity faces issue in that 5 years. For that ending of the Bible, I really don't care how many times I aim, how many times I scrab your tiny faces with the blood shed, I knew exactly what the faces require that eternity scenery on OU faces. Being humane is not my words, its you all let me down, the morality or mortality, it was never spark a faint idea, it used to be us. There is no more us. I think this time will make it very very clear.
When I am getting the alibi just like that Legally Blonde, how passive vs active....I am sure you know I becoming that small tiny district Taipei Police Station, you saying you Biden age do on purpose to someone oversee this tale were not the first time 25-7-5, you see if America will remain standing, if were not 1911 their Haiwaii Chapter for overthrown the kingship. You and Trump both will die on purpose, if not his wife fallen first on purpose. Human nature to die one each other, tuche.....this is nothing to do with the hair, but I am very sure how you all sunken land to shed blood that day on, including to hell, you won't live until that point but now be dead and jailed the day you found out. Per details you saying your lawful society was a fake, and transparent to what ending on her monitor, was all by willful means. Right?
This is my last time warning, all move it, or else you will all bankcrupt today on, not just 5 years. My file dates.
All oversee related cost nothing but Taiwan one country, or else, that one birth certificate, in any given future life, I will sue the Earth to hell, and entire bankcrupt worse than today's air. Nothing but I say endless hell fire, and burn, and smokely hell, the humanity nothing hut life after life lock it here like Ola they are, breathing on witch and red darkness.....small farmer, and continue your evolution never rise up again.
Got it?
Your job is to get on that airplane, tonight, in a few hours, or tomorrow morning the first thing All Ameircan Medical Board, following that Hailey's dad step.
Its a birthday celebration, nothing but only me exist, or else none of you will have any future to breath on it. Nothing but everywhere you see me exist.
You see, the commander-in-Chef, like jailing Obama for one death, Law Board, and American Medical Board, to Trump and Biden were in Ukraine, were a reality check - its where I locate will always have the food, not the yellow sandy on the ground. Quote 1) Sandy Storm and 2) Sandy elementary shooting event.
You see.....that is Black Ops keywords, Birth Ceritificate Lawsuit on Obama Haiwaii, China national father Haiwaii chapter, and to that my birth certifricate on that Life after Life Video on Ultimate darkness cursed be upon cursed all life glue back to my body....What you really claim to be that....anxious waitiing they be 60 years old, upheaval inside the mind, body say, to the Prince title, I never thought you Amercian such as the local and the Supreme Court will allow that to every happens, I tell you what that Indoenisa or Malaysia during the WWII war means....they rape women blood shed all around, that is the war costs. You didn't have to be that subjective view agreeing upon their anxious grey white hair that day, seeing if you own Judge will remain, "I Remain."
Sand of Time, return the timeline.
You see...that is keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords, without the AI methods really. Just like I say to you, the justice in America starting you have no jobs, or you will deliver 5 people graduating that per year Class in America, to remain only harsh punishment world strategic plan, why you vow you had a constituional law so I descend to give you some supports. This is my warning, if you dare to change that equality, because you mock up my words I say I would do, that is the objective equality with your own 10 Bills of Right, its never Superman save the day, its the gun prevalent society, I won't care a bit, the day I turn away...there is nothing but only democracy remains FOREVER and eternal glueness to hell you will glue as One under that democracy reasons.
Waste my time.

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