
I didn't meet Dr. Steven Hairfield. I met Dr. Gabriel Cousen in person. He is at Reno Nevada, near the desert mountain outlet I gone to shopping with Dr. Bing's wife.

His office or his residence is near that Area 51, correct. I am aware of that.

I would be really truely happy if you would be trying to getting things right to sound like you had what evolution in mind, if not backward evolution at all. And yet, that is a snail in the video below the same Little Mermaid ending to my last post. Too lazy to make a frame out of it. Holding behind my closet, not a wall. 

I am not Dr. Steven Hairfield. For sure, I never that Nick Anan or whichever indicates where that Anan supposes to end up, or saying which Edison or Westinghouse combine. I really don't care about it. 

I don't think we are on the same exactly tense. You trying to win the election of your own public vote to your limited dead gone disciple or followers, or the remain family members. Most will be jailed in that internal money circulation that is ilegal.  You want to keep a face to your dad, I already state this facts over and over. He didn't know or he just learning new everything i am saying so. 

The only thing he needs to just following the order. Whichever he considering reading a cult rather than a religion. I won't stop him to finding thing out if he is that curious. I didn't, I just speak my term, I have other things to do, and be occupied, so much....he would have thought someone done on purpose, either its me, or that Tim Cook. Its funny and tale whichever that stories suppose to be written just by me saying it. None of us can staring at the Washington D.C because we are?

Glueing on the 4 points frames. Tim Cook didn't invent that 4 points frame. The people behind him + himself and me + people behind me, to these 2 batch small tiny groups of people have to running around that this flat screen 4 points frame never end our full lifetime.

I am telling you....I am the exaggerating human being on the planet, that is why I am telling you.

Mermaid 1 ending.


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