
I don't actually deciding...my Business?! 我其實還沒有決定...我的事業?

Probably the Police Station, yesterday I had a revelation....I think. Beside, these birds, last year they were taken bribing from China, this year they haven't say a thing yet. I am not personally so sure about you mean the American business or Asia business? Sock or Wholesale those? The clothing ware?

大概是警察局,昨天我有一種新啟示... 我想,況且這些鳥去年他們還在拿中國的賄絡,今年他們一個字都沒有做(說),我個人沒有太確定你們是說美國企業跟亞洲商業? 襪子跟總體拍賣場? 衣服大賣場?

oh ~~~ 喔 ~~~!

My brain was still blank until yesterday. 我的腦袋到昨天都還是空白狀態

You were talking about the Pinterest? If I streaming it down, I need to write it down immediately, your Master never taught you that for the meditation, you have a notepad? I didn't write on the paper, Worlds...I leave everything electronic? What's wrong with that?

你們是說 Pinterest? 如果我下載某種狀態東西我會寫下來馬上,你們師父沒有教導你們打坐你們有一個,寫東西的 notepads? 我並沒有"寫在紙張"下來, 世界....我其實寫在電子上? 有什麼錯嗎 ?

I don't usually make any conclusion too fast, that kinds of the personality.

我通常不是那種下定論很快的那種個人,個性問題 ....

Really ... 真的 ....

I think ...because these Shane they from Westlife, some people Europe they doing business in Asia, same as to those Backstreet Boy all the way to Iceland. The business...the guys doing that traveling and talking and finding things out. Isn't that I imagine anything before, I ask Shane first? Somewhat they are right in front of my faces?

我想 ... 因為 Shane 他們西城男孩,很多歐洲人他們在亞洲做生意,跟那個新好男孩 ( 美國的男孩樂團 ) 是在正在準備去冰島。講商業...這些男孩子是在飛奔旅行,去商業討論或是尋找事情,這種情況我想像我要做任何事情之前,我先問一下這個愛爾蘭的 Shane ( 西城男孩)? 他們不是就在我的正前方嗎 ?


If my personality I really like about something, you mean a business layout ...

我個人個性有沒有很喜歡特別東西,講述一個商業的要綱 ...

In America, to imagine Bill Gates that is Wal-mart, Home Depot, Target, or Office Depot. You have to getting in the town zoning district before they got develop the land. But he used to do the technology business. I personally think I would stay with the AI that is....still out there, just because don't talk about it, that doesn't mean Artificial Intelligent on that BTX doesn't exist? Iron Man, please?

One of those?

在美國,如果想像跟比爾,蓋茲類似的大賣場叫做 Wal-Mart, Home Depot (家具), Target, Office Depot (文具的)。他們好像是要先從當地那種規劃地表的那種 zoning district 開始之前,建設那塊土地,但是他以前做高科技的商業活動。我個人可能是停留在那個 AI ... 還在那裏呀 ! 只是不再討論這 ...是說人工智慧在鋼鐵神兵 BTX (日本動畫) 沒有存在? 鋼鐵人, please? 


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