
"I live with my mother, I have a friend name Eric also lives with his mother."

"She cooks for me, or I sometimes cook to, for her and for me. We drink soup, she keeps slim. I gain some weight becasue I indoor working on the computer! I go out sometimes on the public transportation, we use Metro here. I buy shampoo or some magazine that stuffs, but my mother says I can just buy them in the night market, so I never gone back anymore. They have more vendor's food in the Taipei Station all around, such as the Tiger Sauce. I always wonder if that is really made of the tiger, I pass by many time. They sell at at the first brand city police station and the Chinese Medicine association, right in front of their faces, and that is no door store, eating water steam almost like the vendor fluorescent light. Its the tiger sauce on the wall. Huge and big anyone passing by can see. I bought the bakery, not that vendor water steam take out, maybe once. Just not the Tiger sauce. Keanu has a tiger you know that, a short guy. " 

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