
I think you all should just work with your parents for 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years. That Rebecca to one Scott Stephen ending up Apple monitor screen.

When all the forienger exchange students never show up, some kids just bad enough, to bet, if anyone knew about education.

Waiting 2 years

5 years

10 years

20 years

on the 23 years you realize....how come there isn't anything to reach one day the court calling you feeling anxious, and all this time, your parents never leave you yet. They have to work on you. Not this seeing the eye sight to feel being encouraged anymore this whom fist bigger than the other eyes?

The bad kids never learn right.

I told you too many times, I am not Zawanna. He might have a heart, and I don't.  

We keep going on the same topics, to sound hope, its a good up or down heart pulling and the hope driven your eyes sight, your parents could see it. We talking this how long? 2 years long?

All this anticipation its just as so many encouraged, its between who rules the world past, present and the future? 


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