
I was at Ep 15, now at Ep 12 溫柔的弦

Ep 12 -   《溫暖的弦》EP12 溫暖失蹤 眾人四處尋找


You can say, if you all girls can combine to do what Anna says, you want to sue the Upper World, the Upper hands, whomever did these. You all can comprehend, you know it is something someone does something. 

What our argument wish to file = if we be honest whom we are. Anna says that is Zawanna those human be that her facebook making a point. He is like that. 

We want to get the compensation if our Earth for some strange reason EVER got those money form them. At this point, may not be. We want to know whom we can get the compensation, even through the animal communication if Zawanna their worlds sunshine world does response, whichever Anna present all that, someone or something or some upper hand, to however we gonna end up, this is the time, we only wish to file for the monetization reason, not the boys or girls relationship stuffs. They owing to us. All of them. 

Including ET. We know the American government are stern on those, so it might push them too. There is a reason why a lot of things got stopped by the FBI if Anna claim were true. They tear apart those Tesla claim stuffs in Project Camelot,whichever machinary is a no. But I don't understand why these materials keep airing on the TV.

If we just be ourselves to claim how we are, being the girl's more right. Not these guys, not these claim, not these surpression, we want our money given to us as the compensation, and any claim that we have already found out about ourselves. 

If Anna so sure this is the guy's worlds they all look like that, they all doing things like that, they all screw people behind like she claims, I won't care what stories she found out, it could be all hologram like she says, but something someone is doing all this on purpose. So her side of the evovled stories..its the lawsuit to this entity called "Zawanna", its about how we girls claim as we are. That one simple democracy world rule, you taken things of your own ground, being clear to every terms on that TV, per degree saying, you should be fine, after that.

To us the girls ground, now we are finding it out some of these, our position is neutral. We don't care whom that entity "Zawanna" or the overall stories she Anna extracting out. We can see something got screw over. If your court did find out, this is true, there is an Upper hand doing this, and it is also pushing the American government. We will tell you, our position we will switch to more neutral situation until all things be solved on our benefits.

Anna's claim would be "She says all the guys they all talking like that. " - we personally don't really know a lot of the guys, not on our real facebook, or in real life. But we taken there is a reason why she saying that.  If you judge find out some validity facts how this statement its the guys against the girls. We wish to just continue doing what Anna claim this, until we can file where to get the money to our own benefits. It is our money, first.

Not the love.

We smell fishy, we know the guys too. We hate every step the way just to hear about it, but we are not sure that is really a show image, or hologram or a real Lord, or a real Entity, someone lies all the way, we hate all that. WE only care about we got compensated, even if its every side got pushed over. Including the American Government or Anna. 

Our life, our finance we cannot breath. That 2 they have the money and wealth to breath. That is the Truth. 

As the low mentality the way we are, we will file against the last sentence, because that sounds so bad...we doing that to others.

1. We are scared.

2. Not confident.

3. Often inferior

4. Inferior complex even to the height of the taller guy.

5. We are jealous.

6. To every guys, and hate them to the bone.

7. We may not think the games are that simple, but we will make these statement first, because its between the Judge and us. Not the guys we are telling them that.

8. But they can see what Anna made these saying.

9. They are already reactive toward us, the poor girls mentality, or slut idea. They say no.

10. They say forever impossible, now if these went through it will be eternally impossible.

11. We want our lifes to improve, this is the poor girls mentality on the lawsuit how to uprising to the Central. You think this is the theme against the Hunger Game, exactly that. You are not sure that is the classified materials, or someone made it up. We felt Burnt.

We all did. That kind of the explaination because Anna didn't watch the movie. That is the poor mentality how we keep seeing we are the main role, but we will forever never be. Those are....a strange say. Its a forever impossible, we sit down, we sort, we think that is what it is. They doing that on purpose to hurt all of us. That President Snow will never talk to us, FOREVER. NEVER. He is too wealthy. We don't really know whom that is. 

But we can see, a brand new reality might almost identical to clash in.

We cannot bare it.


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